Is Metal Gear Survive Any Good if You Just Pretend Its Not the Same as Mgs UPDATED

Is Metal Gear Survive Any Good if You Just Pretend Its Not the Same as Mgs

Metal Gear is a series of action-adventure stealth video games by Konami Computer Entertainment centered effectually Solid Serpent, a soldier in the loftier tech aristocracy special forces task strength FOXHOUND, equally he attempts to infiltrate and lengthened politically sensitive crisis situations undetected and neutralize the non-state actors involved to prevent a global catastrophe.

Metal Gear (1987) [edit]

  • Large Dominate (actually Venom Snake): Solid Snake! I've been expecting you... I am the supreme commander of the FOXHOUND unit... And... The leader of the fortress of Outer Heaven, Big Boss! I gave this mission to you lot, a rookie, thinking I could utilise you to fool the residual of the world... Merely y'all were too good. You went as well far! Solid Snake! I'm not going downwardly alone. I'm taking you with me! Prepare to die!

  • Solid Snake: This is Solid Serpent... Metal Gear has been destroyed. Operation Intrude N313 was a success! No big deal, the job is washed, that's all... No big deal... I'thou coming back now... OVER

  • Big Boss: ...tin can you lot hear me? Solid Snake... I'm not dead... Anytime, I'll get even with you lot. Someday... nosotros will meet once more!

Snake'south Revenge (1990) [edit]

  • [Intro text]
    Lt. Snake, we received information from our intelligence man at the enemy's base. They have a weapon. Is it Metal Gear, which you lot destroyed three years ago? Become to the enemy base with 2 men. The pilot knows the road.

  • Large Boss: You lot destroyed Metal Gear i and made me a cyborg. Now I want revenge.

Metal Gear two: Solid Serpent (1990) [edit]

  • Big Boss: The nightmares? They never go away, Snake. Once you've been on the battlefield, tasted the exhilaration, the tension... it all becomes office of yous. Once you've awakened the warrior within... information technology never sleeps again. You crave e'er bigger tensions, always bigger thrills. As a mercenary, I'd recollect yous would have realized that by at present. You care nothing for power, or money, or fifty-fifty sex. The but thing that satisfies your cravings is war! All I've done is give you lot a place for it. I've given you a reason to live.

Metal Gear Solid (1998) [edit]

Yous're a natural-built-in soldier. You lot're not the grow old gracefully type. Aforementioned for all of united states of america who've seen real action. The only place we can feel truly alive is on the battlefield. I'grand a soldier too. I know those feelings of powerlessness, frustration that yous experience every twenty-four hours. You've tried to play the male child watch out there in Alaska, just you can't race dogs in the snowfall forever. Why don't you come dorsum to u.s. and be a soldier again.

Since they all went through the aforementioned cistron therapy, they probably felt closer than brothers. They see the unit as their but family.

Listen, Meryl. Everybody feels sick the first fourth dimension they kill someone. Unfortunately, killing is i of those things that gets easier the more you practice it. In a war, all of mankind's worst emotions, worst traits come up out. It's like shooting fish in a barrel to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield.

And each mind that I peered into was stuffed with the same single object of obsession. That selfish and atavistic desire to laissez passer on 1'due south seed... it was enough to make me sick. Every living matter on this planet exists to mindlessly pass on their Deoxyribonucleic acid. Nosotros're designed that way. And that's why there is war. Just you... you are different... You're the same equally u.s.. We take no past, no hereafter. We live in the moment. That'due south our only purpose. Humans weren't designed to bring each other happiness. From the moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing just pain and misery.

Information technology is nothing and then trivial as revenge. A fight to the death with y'all. Only in that can my soul notice respite. I will impale you or you will impale me... information technology makes no departure.

Didn't you know that two-thirds of the world'southward greatest assassins are women? Do yous want to dice now? Or after your female friend? Which will it exist?

We're going to play a game, Snake. And we'll find out what kind of homo yous really are. When the pain becomes too great to bear but surrender and your suffering will terminate. But if you exercise, the girl'due south life is mine.

The Raven has put the marking of decease upon y'all. Blood from the east flows within your veins. Ah... your ancestors likewise were raised on the barren plains of Mongolia. Inuit and Japanese are cousins to each other... We share many ancestors, you and I...

The hugger-mugger behind the new nuclear weapon! Only as I thought, the nuclear warhead is designed to be fired from the rail gun, like a projectile... Information technology doesn't utilize fuel so information technology isn't considered a missile. That way it tin can go around all sorts of international treaties.

It was his dying wish! When he was immature, during the Cold War, the world needed men like us. We were valued then. Nosotros were desired. But things... are different now. With all the liars and hypocrites running the earth, war isn't what it used to be... Nosotros're losing our place in a world that no longer needs us. A world that now spurns our very existence. You should know that likewise as I do. After I launch this weapon and get our billion dollars, we'll exist able to bring anarchy and honor... back to this world gone soft. Disharmonize volition breed conflict, new hatreds will arise. So! ...nosotros'll steadily expand our sphere of influence.

File:SPAS-12 stock folded.jpg

Cheers to begetter's Dna, they were able to identify more than lx 'soldier genes' responsible for everything from strategic thinking... to the proverbial 'killer instinct'. Those 'soldier genes' were transplanted, into the membrane of Next-Generation Special Forces. That's how they became the Genome Soldiers. That's right... The Genome Soldiers that yous've been killing are our brothers, with the same genes every bit ours.

Each person is born with their fate written into their own genetic code... it's unchangeable, immutable... But that's not all there is to life. I finally realized that. I told you before. The reason that I was interested in genes and DNA. Because I wanted to know who I was... where I came from. I thought that if I analyzed my Deoxyribonucleic acid I could notice out who I was, who my parents were. And I thought that if I knew that, and then I'd know what path I should take in life.

Naomi Hunter: Genes exist to pass down our hopes and dreams for the future through our children. Living is a link to the time to come. That'southward how all life works. Loving each other, teaching each other... that's how we can modify the world. I finally realized information technology. The true meaning of life...

Gray Fox / Frank Jaeger: We're non tools of the government or anyone else! Fighting was the simply thing... the only thing I was good at, just... At least I always fought for what I believed in...

Otacon / Hal Emmerich: The whole reason I got into science in the first place was that I was no skillful with people. I was scared of them. I was scared of life. I idea that I could never understand them because they're so illogical. But I've finally learned how to like people. I'1000 not afraid anymore.

About Metallic Gear Solid [edit]

  • I was making games like Policenauts, and I heard rumors about a console on which polygons could be created in real-time. This actually grabbed my attention, since one of the major attractions of games is the sensation of activeness, and I was intrigued to see what I could achieve with those polygons. Metal Gear is a hide-and-seek game and the thought of doing this while adding a camera that could alter position really excited me. So I stopped making script-based games and went back to asking for favors from programmers for this 3D world.
  • Hideo Kojima "Hideo Kojima Reflects on 25 Years of Metal Gear" Lorenzo Grajales,

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001) [edit]

Solid Snake: Life isn't only virtually passing on your genes. We tin can get out behind much more than but Dna. Through speech communication, music, literature, and movies... what we've seen, heard, felt... anger, joy, and sorrow... these are the things I volition pass on. That's what I live for. Nosotros need to pass the torch, and permit our children read our messy and sad history by its light. We accept all the magic of the digital age to do that with. The man race will probably come to an finish sometime, and new species may rule over this planet. Globe may not exist forever, but we still take the responsibleness to leave what traces of life we can. Building the future and keeping the by alive are one and the aforementioned affair.

Solidus Ophidian/George Sears: Jack, mind to me. We're all born with an expiration date. No one lasts forever. Life is zip simply a grace catamenia for turning the best of our genetic fabric into the adjacent generation. The data of life is transferred from parent to kid. That's how it works. Simply we accept no heirs, no legacy. We brothers are called Les Enfants Terribles. Cloned from our male parent, with the ability to reproduce conveniently engineered out. What is our legacy if we cannot pass the torch? Proof of our beingness - a marking of some sort. When the torch is passed on from parent to child... it extends beyond DNA; data is imparted equally well. All I want is to be remembered. By other people, past history. The Patriots are trying to protect their ability, their own interests, by controlling the digital menstruum of information. I want my retention, my existence to remain. Unlike an intron of history, I will be remembered every bit an exon. That will be my legacy, my mark on history. But the Patriots would deny us fifty-fifty that. I will triumph over the Patriots, and liberate us all. And we will become the "Sons of Liberty"!

Otacon: Snake, you lot there? It'southward me. I've finished going over that disc.
Snake: Did you find the Patriots' list?
Otacon: Of course. It contains the personal information of 12 people. In that location was a name on information technology—Snake, information technology was one of our biggest contributors.
Snake: What'southward going on effectually here?
Otacon: I don't know...
Ophidian: ...Anyway, where are they?
Otacon: Well, we were right near them beingness on Manhattan, but...
Snake: But what?
Otacon: They're already expressionless. All 12 of them.
Serpent: When did information technology happen?
Otacon: Well, ah... about a hundred years ago.
Snake: What the hell...

About Metal Gear Solid two: Sons of Liberty [edit]

  • Metallic Gear Solid sold well throughout the world; it was a dandy success. When I heard about the hardware for the PlayStation ii, I wanted to try something new. Upwards to that point, all cutscenes had focused more on details similar facial expressions, but I wanted to pay more than attention to the surroundings, to see how much I could alter them in existent-time. Current games similar Call of Duty accept followed this trend of making your surroundings more realistic.
  • Hideo Kojima "Hideo Kojima Reflects on 25 Years of Metal Gear" Lorenzo Grajales,

Metal Gear Solid 3: Ophidian Eater (2004) [edit]

The Boss: What almost y'all, Jack? What'southward information technology going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your land, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs? Your duty to your unit, or your personal feelings? You don't know the truth yet. But sooner or after you'll have to cull.

[EVA explains herself in audiotape to Snake]
EVA: Snake, mind to me. She didn't betray the United states of america. No, far from it. She was a hero who died for her country. She carried out her mission knowing total well what was going to happen. Self-sacrifice... because that was her duty.
[Snake is being honored at the White House]
Lyndon B. Johnson: You are above fifty-fifty the Boss... I hereby award you the title of Large Dominate. Y'all are a true patriot. [Snake walks out, past army officials and his squad, without fanfare]
Unnamed bureaucrat: You know, nosotros could apply an infiltration unit similar Trick in the army. Someone like him to handle our top-secret sneaking missions for us: a human who combines the qualities of a soldier and an agent.
EVA: The Dominate' defection was a ruse set up by the US government. It was all a big drama staged by Washington and then they could get their hands on the Philosopher's Legacy, and the Dominate was the star of the show. They planned it and so that they could become the Legacy that Colonel Volgin inherited and destroy the Shagohod at the same time. Only a legendary hero like The Boss could have earned Volgin'south trust. Finding out where the Philosopher'due south Legacy was hidden was to be her greatest mission. Everything was going according to programme... but and then something happened that no one could take predicted. Colonel Volgin fired an American-made nuclear warhead at Sokolov's research facility. Khrushchev demanded that the US authorities provide proof that information technology wasn't involved. They couldn't merely abort the operation to steal the Legacy, so the operation itself was greatly expanded and revised. The authorities in Washington knew that in order to show its innocence they'd have to get rid of The Dominate and that one of their own would accept to do the job. The public couldn't be allowed to detect out about it, non ever. This, they concluded, would be the all-time fashion to keep the whole affair under wraps. The Boss wouldn't be allowed to come dorsum home live. And she wouldn't be allowed to kill herself. Her life would exist ended past her most dearest disciple... that was the way the government wanted it. That was the mission she was given. And she had no choice just to carry it out... her death at your hands was a duty she had to fulfill. Out of duty, she turned her back on her own comrades. A lesser adult female would have been crushed past such a burden. [Serpent walks through a cemetery with a bunch of flowers] The taint of disgrace will follow her to her grave. Future generations will revile her: In America, every bit a despicable traitor with no sense of honor; and in Russia, every bit a monster who unleashed a nuclear ending. She volition go down in official history as a war criminal, and no one will e'er understand her... that was her final mission. And like a truthful soldier, she saw information technology through the cease. Merely I think she wanted you, of all people to know the truth. She wanted to live on in your memory. Not as a soldier, but as a woman. But... she was forbidden to tell yous herself. And that's why she told me. [Snake puts his flowers and the Patriot by a headstone marked "In retentiveness of a patriot who saved the world: 192?-1964"] Snake, history will never know what she did. No one will e'er larn the truth. Her story, her debriefing... will endure only in your heart. [tearfully] Everything she did, she did for her country. She sacrificed her life and her award for her native state. She was a real hero. She was a truthful patriot. [A tearful Snake salutes the headstone].

[Snake is wandering upstream while the mangrove forest is ablaze. It of a sudden begins to rain dousing the fire. A man appears from the water.]
Serpent: Are you one of The Cobras?!
The Sorrow: Sad. And so sad...A host of sorrows. And you are one of them. [The human pulls back his hood] I am The Sorrow. Like y'all, I am too filled with sadness. This globe is one of sadness... Battle brings decease. Death brings sorrow. The living...may not hear them. Their voices may autumn upon deaf ears. Merely, make no mistake. The dead are non silent. Now you'll know the sorrow of those whose lives you have concluded. [His eye begins to drain and his glasses shatter]
[After the most-expiry experience a flashback of a conversation can exist heard.]
The Sorrow: Dominate, you have to shoot me.
The Dominate: I tin can't!
The Sorrow: Shoot me! You desire to end your mission, don't you?'ll have to shoot me. The Spirit of the warrior...will always be with you lot. Don't be sad...we'll meet again someday. [The Boss reluctantly shoots and kills The Sorrow.]

About Metal Gear Solid three: Snake Eater [edit]

  • It'south not really how I was inspired or influenced. We as video game creators and video game fans desire to experience jungle battle, fighting in the jungle, and field boxing. We've done enough with the CQB (Close Quarters Battle), we're taking this management that everyone wants to experience.
Game creators all over the world have tried creating jungles and throwing jungles in their games, but it hasn't worked. This fourth dimension we are trying to break through that, we are trying to overcome that. Because in video games when you try to create a jungle or forest there is and so much vegetation information technology's really difficult to do because of hardware limitations. That'due south something we are trying to overcome. That'southward why we are coming upwardly with a new engine for the game and hopefully, we can reach it.
  • Hideo Kojima, GameSpot [citation needed]
  • I decided that MGS3 should be about survival, and I started thinking about how survival would work in the game. The game takes place in the '60s, and if the game was going to be about survival, I decided it had better take place in the jungle.
  • What we did to create the experimental environment was that we went to islands like Yakushima, Amami Oshima, and even places in Canada. These are places with a lot of vegetation, similar Japanese jungles. (Well, obviously not Canada.) Based on our enquiry, we created this fictional jungle forest to meet if it worked.
  • Mr. Mori taught how cover-up works in the wilderness, and he showed us CQC techniques. He showed united states of america how the people really would fight confronting each other. He also taught us the technique of stalking, which is very tedious. Y'all don't make any sounds.
  • Hideo Kojima in "Hideo Kojima discusses the development of Metal Gear Solid iii", by Tom Bramwell, Eurogamer, (14/04/2004).

Metal Gear Acid (2004) [edit]

  • Hans: [to Ophidian] Are you familiar with the term "doppelganger"? Everyone has 2 personalities in them. I of them a persona for everyday public life, and the other the exact reverse. The personality lurking in one's hidden is referred to as the "Shadow" in psychological terms. The Shadow negates its symmetrical opposite, the "Lite" persona, and in some cases grows to the aforementioned level. If it manages to grow large enough, information technology takes on its ain shape, separates from the trunk, and can walk around on its own. And that, my friend, is why we're both here.

  • La Clown: If I die here, it ways I'm not the hero. The hero is supposed to survive to the end. So... I judge that makes me the villain. The villain is always supposed to accept the hero'south side correct before dying.

  • Alice: The Children of Hamelin looked up to you as a hero. You were a man created by those in power and performed mighty works for them. The Legendary Hero -- Solid Snake. That'south what we were always taught. [...] Our pledge was, "May me someday be great like the honorable and mighty Snake."

Metal Gear Acid ii (2005) [edit]

  • Lucy: You're a cloned soldier -- patterned after the legendary Solid Snake. We recovered his torso from Lobito Island and created you lot through a fusion of his cells and our data. You were our Model 3, Serpent.

  • Venus: Don't worry about Ophidian. He'south been to hell and dorsum. He'south a survivor, you know. Always has been, always will exist.
    Takiyama: ...
    Venus: He'll be just fine. I'thousand ever right about these things.

  • Dalton: What do you program to do once your wounds heal up? Got any ideas?
    Ophidian: No plans. Just a personal goal.
    Dalton: And what would that be?
    Snake: To keep on living. All this time, I've been searching for my by. And at present I know that I don't have i. I was manufactured in a lab. I'chiliad non even a real human. I've got no by, and might not have much of a future. Nix. Just I'grand alive. I was made to be a weapon. And I don't have squat to my proper name. But... equally long as in that location's air in my lungs and blood in my veins, I'chiliad gonna live. Right?
    Dalton: You're half right. You're style off well-nigh having cipher, though.

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (2006) [edit]

Naked Serpent/Large Boss: It was four years ago, in Mozambique. There was a child soldier fighting with a guerrilla group in the struggle for independence. He killed dozens of authorities soldiers with but a unmarried pocketknife. He'd throw the enemy off guard with the innocent frankness of a immature male child. Then he'd casualty on them with the cold cruelty of a hunter. He spoke a petty German and so his enemies chosen him, "Frank Jaeger"... the frank hunter.

[Gene addresses soldiers]
Gene: Soldiers, hear my words! The Cold War will soon be over. The United States and the Soviet Union no longer take the strength or dominance to shape the earth as they seem fit. Even equally America sinks deeper into the quagmire of the Vietnam State of war, her allies in the W take achieved tremendous economic growth. And with the collapse of its planned economy, Russia tin no longer keep up with the financial demands of her vast army. Only the end of the Common cold War does not mean that peace volition follow. Freed from the domination of the world's superpowers, nationalism will presently exist the driving force behind global politics. And the e'er-widening gap betwixt rich and poor will fan the flames of hatred betwixt nations. Nuclear weapons volition slip from the superpowers' grasp and spread throughout the world. Soon no one volition know when or where the nukes volition come up from. Today'south ally may exist tomorrow's bitter enemy. Or worse: the time may come when soldiers of the aforementioned country will impale their brothers, just like you are now. Who of you can say that tomorrow y'all won't be aiming your rifles at your neighbors? Your comrades? Your families? Is there no one who has a grudge against you? No one who mocks you? No one who really needs you? Is at that place truly no one out there who would kill you? One of my men is standing amongst y'all right at present. His instructions are to kill you - for your expose. Your enemy is standing right beside you. [points at individual soldiers] Is information technology y'all?... Or perhaps you?... This planet is like a behemothic bomb. See how easily it blows itself to bits with a unmarried nuclear warhead. Or rather, a unmarried bullet. [laughs] There he is... It's the enemy!

Null: Why are you all the same live? I used to get dreams, about my comrades. They would relieve me with potent arms and laughing voices. When I woke up from these dreams, I had nothing. No joy, no sorrow, no hatred, no memory. When I woke up from the darkness, all I saw were the bodies of men I've killed, lying in front of me. I know. Everyone dies. Crime. Illness. Accidents. War. No thing how good a human you are, no thing how good a soldier, there are no exceptions. Even if I don't kill them, they die. This earth is full of death and yet you lot won't be killed. Why? Why do you lot even so alive? What practise you hope to achieve by living?

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008) [edit]

One-time Snake: War has changed. Information technology's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. Information technology's an countless series of proxy battles, fought past mercenaries and machines. War, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. State of war has changed. ID tagged soldiers carry ID tagged weapons, employ ID tagged gear. Nanomachines within their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Data control. Emotion command. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored and kept nether control. State of war has inverse. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the proper noun of averting ending from weapons of mass devastation. And he who controls the battlefield controls history. State of war has changed. When the battlefield is under total command, state of war... becomes routine.

Liquid Ocelot: This is only the beginning, Snake. America will descend into anarchy... It'll exist the Wild West all over again. No law, no gild. Fire volition spread beyond the world. The people will fight... and through boxing, they will know the fullness of life. At last... our male parent's will... his Outer Heaven... is consummate.
Revolver Ocelot: You're pretty good...

Big Dominate: Everything has its showtime. Merely doesn't start at "one." It starts long before that, in anarchy. The world is born... from zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes two, ii becomes ten, ten becomes 100. Taking it all back to i solves nothing. So long as Goose egg remains, one... will somewhen grow to 100 over again. And and then our goal was to erase Aught. Fifty-fifty the mighty Patriots began with a single man. That 1 homo's desires grew huge, bloated; absorbed applied science; began to manipulate the economy. We realized too late that we had created a animal. We had helped turn Zero into 100. His sin... was ours. And for that reason, I'grand taking it upon myself to send Naught... back to nothing. [...] Information technology's non well-nigh changing the world. Information technology'south virtually doing our best to leave the world the way it is. It's about respecting the will of others and believing in your ain. [...] Zero and I... Liquid and Solidus... Nosotros all fought a long, encarmine war for our freedom to free ourselves from systems, nations, norms and ages, only no matter how difficult we fought, the only liberty we found was on the inside, trapped within those limits... The Boss and I may accept taken different paths but in the end, we were both trapped inside the same cage... "Liberty." Simply you have been given freedom. Freedom to be... Exterior.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (2010) [edit]

  • Paz: In school, I likewise learned that peace is an unnatural country for homo society. And that war is a constant threat to our relationship with others.
    Ophidian/Big Dominate: That's right.
    Paz: Then, to achieve peace, we take to create information technology ourselves. Crying near information technology won't bring information technology near, or make information technology last. Each one of us must go and seek it out.
    Snake/Large Boss: You won't detect it without making sacrifices. No offense, simply I don't know what peace is. Never felt what information technology'south like. Never fifty-fifty been interested in it.

  • Snake/Big Boss: [to Amanda] At that place's e'er another reason to go along on living.

  • Snake/Big Boss: Chico, growing up means choosing how you're gonna live your life. [...] Treasure your memories, Chico. No matter what happens, keep them safe. [...] Zippo to be ashamed of. Pain gets the better of usa all. [...] Retrieve, real heroes, are never as polished as the legends that surround them.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (2013) [edit]

Mistral: I was wondering when you'd come up, Jack the Ripper.
Raiden: No one calls me that anymore. Dolzaev, where is he?
Mistral: *Tsking* - I can show you I improve time than that crusty old bear.
Raiden: You're in charge here?
Mistral: I am "Mistral" - the cold wind of French republic. And you, your reputation precedes yous. Liberian but white every bit snow, a natural-born killer even equally a child.
Raiden: That was a long time ago...
Mistral: I was born in People's democratic republic of algeria myself you lot know, I'thousand only half french.
Raiden: And?
Mistral: We had our own civil war in the '90s. So y'all see? cutting from the same cloth yous and me.
Raiden: You don't know me.
Mistral: I lost my whole family, everything... Only I butchered those fuckers. My family's killers, that'due south when I realized... I am a killer besides. And a practiced one at that. I slaughtered dozens in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and found my calling. [slowly walks towards Raiden]
Raiden: [draws out his sword preventing Mistral from walking towards him farther] Proud of that, are yous?
Mistral: What happened, happened... To be honest I found it quite dull. [takes off her jacket and drops it in a suggestive manner] My enemies fell like domino, one later another. Not one time did I feel content. I was adrift, without challenge without purpose. [several Dwarf Gekkos climb up and surround Raiden] At times I even envied my prey, at least they had a cause to die for. And so, I met him. [i of the Dwarf Gekkos jumps at Raiden, but Raiden slashes it with ease]
Raiden: Who?
Mistral: And I knew what I'd been missing. [walks towards and checks the injured Gekko] His ideals gave my life meaning. Ideals, Jack. What are yours?
Raiden: I... protect the weak.
Mistral: [conspicuously unimpressed and tears off the Gekko'southward arms]*laughs* - All the same... so naive!
Raiden: And if I must kill to protect them, then so be information technology!
Mistral: [stomps out the injured Gekko] It seems we have less in common than I thought.
Raiden: I'll have that as a compliment.
Mistral: If y'all would kill for your ethics, so surely you lot are ready to die for them! [At the same time, the Dwarf Gekkos climb onto Mistral and plug their arms into the arm sockets on Mistral's collar and spine. Some of the artillery were then converted into the pole weapon, L'etranger. Raiden readies his sword, covers his face up with his visor, bearing his gritted teeth in anger] Come up, mon gars.

Sundowner: How'south this, Jack? We can play up hither without damaging the trade.
Raiden: What happens in three hours?
Sundowner: Don't matter. You're as well late. Even at Mach 2, you wouldn't make it. And killing you is gonna take some time: slow and painful.[A helicopter rises backside Sundowner, who activates his explosive shields] As I said, kids are cruel, Jack. And I'm very in affect with my inner child. [Draws his machetes and laughs evilly, while the lower half of his face is covered with a mouthguard. Raiden readies his sword and cover his face with his visor]

Senator Armstrong: [To Raiden] Alright...the truth, and so. You're right about i thing -- I do need capital and votes! Wanna know why?! "I have a dream"!
Raiden: What...?
Senator Armstrong: That ane twenty-four hour period, every person in this nation will control their own destiny! Country of the truly gratis, dammit! A nation of action, not words -- ruled by strength, non commission! Where the law changes to suit the individual, non the other fashion around! Where power and justice are back where they vest, in the hands of the people! Where every human being is free- to think, to act- for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and these chickenshit bureaucrats! Fuck this 24/seven internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck American Pride -- fuck the media -- Fuck all of it! America is diseased -- rotten to the cadre...there'southward no saving it... Nosotros need to pull it out by the roots! Wipe the slate clean -- burn it down! And from the ashes, a new America volition be built-in! Evolved only untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive; free to live as they see fit! They'll make America smashing again!
Raiden: What the hell are y'all talking almost...
Senator Armstrong: You notwithstanding don't get it! I'm using war every bit a business to get elected! So I can terminate war as a business organisation... In my new America, people will die and kill... for what they believe! Not for coin, not for oil, not for what they're told is right! Every man will be free to fight his ain wars! Hah... so, what do y'all remember?
Raiden: How the hell did yous get elected...
Senator Armstrong: Well, I don't write my own speeches. Yous should try fighting for what yous believe in some time, Jack. Non for a company, or a nation, or for anyone else.
Raiden: Mayhap I was incorrect about you...
Senator Armstrong: Am I finally getting through? [Helps Raiden up, offers his manus] I'll rid this world of pointless wars, Jack.
Raiden: I was wrong. You're non greedy-
[Shakes Armstrong's manus, moves in shut.]
Raiden: You lot'RE BATSHIT INSANE!

Metal Gear Solid V [edit]

Ground Zeroes (2014) [edit]

Kazuhira Miller: [fuming at the IAEA inspection] THEY PLAYED United states LIKE A DAMN FIDDLE!

Skull Face up: I needed this place, to listen to the words people have to say. That'south something they could never understand. [Skull Face walks up to a prisoner, who is groaning in agony]
Skull Face: You lot've washed your part. Y'all told usa plenty. You've known the pain of ages. And even at present you recall, equally any person would, that this tin't be happening. Is it instruction? Morals, faith? Merely an imprint of a lifetime of stories? Face up to confront with oblivion, which is where yous are, and y'all still recollect that help is coming. The world yous were born into is fabricated to save you. Isn't that right? Of course, information technology is. Anybody knows that. Until your last jiff, you lot know it. Without the slightest chance or reason left to them, humans are capable of hope. I'1000 no different. But for one thing. When my time came calling I didn't die. My family unit died, my country died, but they didn't take me with them. All Hell took from me was this skin, this outer peel that marked me "human being." My village had an oilseed field and a fine manufactory. Every twenty-four hour period my friends and I would run into our parents at piece of work in that manufactory. That'south all I had. All the world I knew. Then ane day, aircraft came droning in from some far-off heaven. The mill was bombed. Some... "spies" had told them we were making weapons. The building burned. We tried to flee outside. The oversupply blocked the exit. The crowd of people. Hot. And so hot. I tried to push through their legs and become ahead, but a kick in my tum put me on the ground. The smoke of the burning filled me up. I heard my name called... simply not for long. At the infirmary they carried me to, a nurse in the corner saw me and remarked every bit if it happened every 24-hour interval: "They should let the poor thing die." Those are the only words of my mother tongue I call back. Information technology was the linguistic communication of my village. Until strange troops invaded. Then the last identity I had left - the words I spoke - were pulled from me. My skin would never feel anything over again. This face would be burned again, in torture, at foreign hands, simply I, I still writhe in that burning factory. Doused in scalding rapeseed oil. That'due south all I have to feel, that hurting - all I have to remind me I be hither.
Skull Face: Those "spies" reported well. We made weapons all right. Equally cartloads of rifles came in from the battlefields, nosotros fixed them up and sent them back out. So our country could win. Or rather, so that footling world we knew could continue. I came to realize I mustn't dice. I'm their last hope, all those who perished and left me here. I take to accomplish something. If I don't, they will be swept out of this world. [Skull Confront proceeds to take hold of the prisoner]
Skull Face: Then? Practise you run into me now? Tell me. What do you encounter? Hmm? You have eyes. What do your eyes run across?
Skull Face: Yes, that's correct. You lot see a skull face. Yous run across me. This skull is who I am. My mark, my proof of humanity. I have no country, no language, I have no confront, but I haven't lost my skull. So I told myself... The pain and endeavour that proceed me alive will never know relief, never deport fruit, never be repaid. I know that, but I told myself to focus on some promise, a nonexistent hope to guide me through this burning earth. A promise - call it a dream. A melancholic delusion. As the pressures inside me stretch me to bursting, and I force myself not to cry out, though the words I thought were carved into me are gone, and all I knew is dead. I know how y'all feel. I've felt that. And then bear witness me. That I'm not the but one. That you as well can return to this globe, for revenge. Practise you see me? Don't die. Don't die! [The Prisoner Dies]
Skull Face up: [as if disappointed] Ahh...

The Phantom Pain (2015) [edit]

Kazuhira Miller: We pull in money, recruits, just to combat Cipher... Rubbing our noses in bloody battlefield dirt, all for revenge. The world calls for wetwork, and we respond. No greater practiced, no just cause.

Venom Ophidian: [Belongings urn with the ashes of slain Diamond Dogs soldiers] I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I will ever be with yous. Plant your roots in me. [smears ashes on his face] I won't see you end equally ashes. Y'all're all diamonds.

Skull Face: You lot too accept known loss. And that loss torments you still. You lot hope hatred... might someday replace the pain. Simply it never goes away. It makes a man hideous within and out. Wouldn't you agree? We both are demons. Our humanity won't return. You. Me. We've no place to run, nowhere to hide. And that is why I volition show yous my demon.

Skull Face: Whatever the Navajo told you... information technology'south just one possible solution derived by Nothing. My will is dissimilar. I've known you since your time at Langley. I've long been the other side of your money. 1964, Soviet territory. FOX'south first mission. Whatsoever mess yous made, I was there to clean up. You completed your job - and admirably. The "information" you returned was far more than enough to make full our pockets. With information technology, our futures became - more or less - set in stone. So the major came to me with an idea. "Washington doesn't know how to spend money," he said. "I'd like to... redirect it". His goal was an organization dedicated solely - covertly - to supporting America. Cipher. You know the rest. To him, it was mourning - the loss of his friend. Or rather, an deed of revenge. On the earth, but America nigh of all. America is a country of liberty. A coming together of immigrants. Instead of simply assimilating, its citizens alive alongside others. Their roots are varied. Various. America's never been made up of simply one person. Simply he tried to forge a single consciousness. For it, and from it. The idea that every citizen would use free will to unite behind their country... Unilateralism like that can't exist entrusted to whatever one individual. So the major sought a organization that used data, words, to command the "subconscious". To unite America and the unabridged world. The major thought this was his friend's volition. Merely I recall he never understood what she wanted. Earlier he ever walked or cried - fifty-fifty before he was built-in - his female parent natural language was English language. He doesn't know the pain of losing his own language. Not yet. He cannot understand her will. I do. I was born in a small hamlet. I was yet a child when nosotros were raided by soldiers. Strange soldiers. Torn from my elders, I was made to speak their language. With each new post, my masters inverse, along with the words they made me speak. Words are... peculiar. With each change, I changed too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw right and incorrect... State of war changed me - and not simply my visage. Words tin kill. I was invaded by words, burrowing and breeding inside me. A philosopher once said, "It is no nation we inhabit, only a language." "Make no mistake, our native tongue is our true fatherland." My fatherland - my truth was stolen from me. Then was my past. All that's left is the future. And mine is revenge. On those who'd leech off the words of their fellow man. This is what I learned from the major. Then it hit me. It was he who should feel my wrath. He and the code he chose as the basis for control. Linguistic communication codes, data codes - beamed all around us - genetic codes spanning history. By controlling the codes, Cipher... Aught intends to unify the world. Codes implanted into our heads, sucking our minds dry out every bit it spreads from one host to the next. A parasite upon the world. That is what Zero is. As one built-in into this world he'southward afflicted, I hold him responsible for killing my freedom. Killing all traces of my past... Killing whatever hope of a hereafter... We are all but dead men forced to walk upon this earth. A world reduced to Naught. Cipher plans to use its codes to control the globe. They recollect they can. And the "mother tongue" of all those codes is English. The word became flesh. The concluding parasite. It knows English. An English language strain of the song string parasite. I will exterminate the English language linguistic communication. With this, I'll rid the world of infestation. All men will breathe complimentary again - reclaim their past, present, and hereafter. This is no ethnic cleanser. It is a "liberator," to free the globe from Zippo. Let the world be. Sans lingua franca, the earth will be torn asunder. And so, it shall be costless. People volition endure, of class - a phantom pain. The world will need a new common natural language. A language of nukes. My Metal Gears shall be the thread by which all countries are bound together, inequality. No words will exist needed. Every human being will exist forced to recognize his neighbor. People will swallow their pain. They will link lost hands. And the world volition become one. This war is peace.

Meet as well [edit]

  • Last words in Metal Gear series games

Nearly Metal Gear [edit]

  • As far equally a character that's evolved with the hardware, that would take to be Serpent. If you lot await at the original Metal Gear, he was a very silent blazon of character—-he didn't speak much. Probably the reason for that is, on that hardware, we were unable to make the characters speak.
    Y'all could compare information technology to movies. The original Metal Gears were kind of like silent-era movies and Metallic Gear Solid 1 is when information technology became talkies and sound movies. Only at the same time with Metal Gear Solid 1, he could speak only at that place still wasn't emotion on the face up. So everything had to exist done through the voices. He had to say whether or non he liked something or if he was feeling hot or information technology hurt. Everything had to be explained vocally. Then we saw 2000, the next step in his development, where we could have emotion on his face. We get things like motion-capture and effort to brand games realistic and believable. That was the next stage in his development.
    For Metal Gear Solid 4, nosotros were able to get more resolution and add more than detail to the faces. We added wrinkles and we added the aspect of age to the equation. So: telling a story through wrinkles. If you actually look at the development of Serpent, the character, information technology'south also looking at the evolution of the gaming manufacture and hardware. I think that'south something that's pretty unique to Ophidian as a character and y'all don't meet it in any other form of media where the graphic symbol evolves with hardware.
    • Hideo Kojima in "Still Solid: Metal Gear Creator Hideo Kojima on "The Fine art of Video Games"" past Reese Higgins, Washington City Paper, (Mar 19, 2012).

External links [edit]


  • Official MGS site
  • Official MPO Website
  • Official Kojima Productions website
  • Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Reviews at Metacritic
  • Game Script of Metal Gear Solid 3


Is Metal Gear Survive Any Good if You Just Pretend Its Not the Same as Mgs UPDATED

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